MathJax symbol reference

References for MathJax usage in Markdown sintax

Mathjax plugin for math formula insertion has an extensive documentation.

In Mathjax quick sintax reference tutorial and reference are available.

Inline formulas enclose \ ( ... \ )

Displayed formulas \ [ ... \ ]

Curly braces {} to group pieces of formulas

Superscripts ( ^ ) and subscripts ( _ ) : \({x_1} ^e\)


\(\frac {a} {b}\) \frac {a} {b}

\({ {x} \over {y} }\) {x} \over {y} }

Unscaled parentheses

Symbol Code
\((...)\) (...)
\([...]\) [...]
\(\{ ... \}\) { ... }
\(\vert ... \vert\) \vert ... \vert
\(\Vert ... \Vert\) \Vert ... \Vert
\(\langle ... \rangle\) \langle ... \rangle
\(\lceil ... \rceil\) \lceil ... \rceil
\(\lfloor ... \rfloor\) \lfloor ... \rfloor

Scaled parentheses

Symbol Code
\(\left( ... \right)\) \left( ... \right)
\(\left[ ... \right]\) \left[ ... \right]
\(\left\{ ... \right\}\) \left{ ... \right}
\(\left\vert ... \right\vert\) \left\vert ... \right\vert
\(\left\Vert ... \right\Vert\) \left\Vert ... \right\Vert
\(\left\langle ... \right\rangle\) \left\langle ... \right\rangle
\(\left\lceil ... \right\rceil\) \left\lceil ... \right\rceil
\(\left\lfloor ... \right\rfloor\) \left\lfloor ... \right\rfloor

Hidden parentheses

Symbol Code
\(\left\{ ... \right.\) \left{ ... \right.
\(\left. ... \right]\) \left. ... \right]

Symbol Code
\(\lt\) \lt
\(\gt\) \gt
\(\le\) \le
\(\leq\) \leq
\(\leqq\) \leqq
\(\leqslant\) \leqslant
\(\ge\) \ge
\(\geq\) \geq
\(\geqq\) \geqq
\(\geqslant\) \geqslant
\(\neq\) \neq
\(\land\) \land
\(\lor\) \lor
\(\lnot\) \lnot
\(\forall\) \forall
\(\exists\) \exists
\(\nexists\) \nexists
\(\top\) \top
\(\bot\) \bot
\(\vdash\) \vdash
\(\vDash\) \vDash
\(\approx\) \approx
\(\sim\) \sim
\(\simeq\) \simeq
\(\cong\) \cong
\(\equiv\) \equiv
\(\prec\) \prec
\(\lhd\) \lhd
\(\therefore\) \therefore

Symbol Code
\(\times\) \times
\(\div\) \div
\(\pm\) \pm
\(\mp\) \mp
\(\cdot\) \cdot
\(\star\) \star
\(\ast\) \ast
\(\oplus\) \oplus
\(\circ\) \circ
\(\bullet\) \bullet

Symbol Code
\(\cup\) \cup
\(\cap\) \cap
\(\setminus\) \setminus
\(\subset\) \subset
\(\subseteq\) \subseteq
\(\subsetneq\) \subsetneq
\(\supset\) \supset
\(\in\) \in
\(\notin\) \notin
\(\emptyset\) \emptyset
\(\varnothing\) \varnothing

Symbol Code
\(\to\) \to
\(\rightarrow\) \rightarrow
\(\leftarrow\) \leftarrow
\(\Rightarrow\) \Rightarrow
\(\Leftarrow\) \Leftarrow
\(\Leftrightarrow\) \Leftrightarrow
\(\mapsto\) \mapsto

Symbol Code
\(\infty\) \infty
\(\nabla\) \nabla
\(\partial\) \partial
\(\Im\) \Im
\(\Re\) \Re
\(\ldots\) \ldots
\(\cdots\) \cdots
\(\ell\) \ell

Symbol Code
\(\sin x\) \sin x
\(\cos x\) \cos x
\(\tan x\) \tan x
\(\cot x\) \cot x
\(\sec x\) \sec x
\(\csc x\) \csc x
\(\arcsin x\) \arcsin x
\(\arccos x\) \arccos x
\(\arctan x\) \arctan x

Symbol Code
\(\sqrt{x^3}\) \sqrt{x^3}
\(\sqrt[3]{\frac xy}\) \sqrt[3]{\frac xy}
\(\ln(x)\) \ln(x)
\(\log_{2}(x)\) \log_{2}(x)
\(\sum_{n=1} ^{N} n\) \sum_{n=1} ^{N} n
\(\prod_{n=1} ^{N} n\) \prod_{n=1} ^{N} n
\(\int_{0} ^{\infty} x dx\) \int_{0} ^{\infty} x dx
\(\iint_{0} ^{\infty} x dx\) \iint_{0} ^{\infty} x dx
\(\iiint_{0} ^{\infty} x dx\) \iiint_{0} ^{\infty} x dx
\(\lim_{x \to \infty} {1 \over x }\) \lim_{x \to \infty} {1 \over x }
\(\max(1,2,3)\) \max(1,2,3)
\(\min(3,4,5)\) \min(3,4,5)
\({n+1 \choose 2k}\) {n+1 \choose 2k}
\(\binom{n+1}{2k} (n+12k)\) \binom{n+1}{2k} (n+12k)

Symbol Code
\(\alpha\) \alpha
\(\beta\) \beta
\(\gamma\) \gamma
\(\delta\) \delta
\(\epsilon\) \epsilon
\(\varepsilon\) \varepsilon
\(\zeta\) \zeta
\(\eta\) \eta
\(\theta\) \theta
\(\vartheta\) \vartheta
\(\iota\) \iota
\(\kappa\) \kappa
\(\lambda\) \lambda
\(\mu\) \mu
\(\nu\) \nu
\(\xi\) \xi
\(\omicron\) \omicron
\(\pi\) \pi
\(\varpi\) \varpi
\(\rho\) \rho
\(\varrho\) \varrho
\(\sigma\) \sigma
\(\varsigma\) \varsigma
\(\tau\) \tau
\(\upsilon\) \upsilon
\(\phi\) \phi
\(\varphi\) \varphi
\(\chi\) \chi
\(\psi\) \psi
\(\omega\) \omega

Symbol Code
\(\Gamma\) \Gamma
\(\Delta\) \Delta
\(\Theta\) \Theta
\(\Lambda\) \Lambda
\(\Xi\) \Xi
\(\Pi\) \Pi
\(\Sigma\) \Sigma
\(\Upsilon\) \Upsilon
\(\Psi\) \Psi
\(\Omega\) \Omega

Note: other greek uppercase lettere are the same as Roman letter.

Symbol Code
\(\mathbb{N}\) \mathbb{N}
\(\mathbb{Z}\) \mathbb{Z}
\(\mathbb{Q}\) \mathbb{Q}
\(\mathbb{I}\) \mathbb{I}
\(\mathbb{R}\) \mathbb{R}
\(\mathbb{C}\) \mathbb{C}
\(\text{ is an even number}\) \text{ is an even number}
\(\Bbb{blackboard bold}\) \Bbb{blackboard bold}
\(\mathbf{boldface}\) \mathbf{boldface}
\(\mathit{italics}\) \mathit{italics}
\(\pmb{boldfaced italics}\) \pmb{boldfaced italics}
\(\mathtt{ for typewriter}\) \mathtt{ for typewriter}
\(\mathrm{roman font}\) \mathrm{roman font}
\(\mathsf{sans-serif font}\) \mathsf{sans-serif font}
\(\mathcal{calligraphic letters}\) \mathcal{calligraphic letters}
\(\mathscr{script letters}\) \mathscr{script letters}
\(\mathfrak{Fraktur (old German style) letters}\) \mathfrak{Fraktur (old German style) letters}

Symbol Code
\(Thin \ space\) Thin \ space
\(Normal \; space\) Normal \; space
\(Big \quad space\) Big \quad space
\(Bigger \qquad space\) Bigger \qquad space

Symbol Code
\(\hat{x}\) \hat{x}
\(\overline{xyz}\) \overline{xyz}
\(\vec{x}\) \vec{x}
\(\widehat{xy}\) \widehat{xy}
\(\bar{x}\) \bar{x}
\(\overrightarrow{xy}\) \overrightarrow{xy}
\(\overleftrightarrow{xy}\) \overleftrightarrow{xy}
\(\dot{x}\) \dot{x}
\(\ddot{x}\) \ddot{x}

Plain text: \(\left\{ x \in \mathbb{N} \mid x \text{ is an even number} \right\}\)

The Einstein field equations (EFE) may be written in the form:

\[ R_{\mu \nu} - {1 \over 2} g_{\mu \nu}\,R + g_{\mu \nu} \Lambda = {8 \pi G \over c^4} T_{\mu \nu}\]