

Notepad++ a powerfull multiplatform text editor.

SciTE Scintilla text editor.

MarkdownPad a markdown text editor for windows.

Modify python script to run on every file in a directory - Stack Overflow

String cookbook

PyPlot the powerfull python tool for plotting mathmathical graphs.

Python versione Bignami

python tutorialspoint

Python - Wikibooks, manuali e libri di testo liberi

Markdown experiments page colletcts some usefull markdown sintax

Some references can be found here:

markdown reference

Mathjax reference page colletcts some usefull Mathjax sintax

Some references can be found here:

Mathjax plugin reference for math formula insertion.

Diagrams page collect some example diagrams using the diagram plugin.

LIRALAB - Operating Systems and real-time homepage - Corso di sistemi operativi del corso di biotecnologie per l'ingegneri di Genova - Giorgio Metta

Scott Meyers: Summary of C++0x Feature Availability in gcc and MSVC

MinGW | Minimalist GNU for Windows

Boost C++ Libraries

C++ Unit Tests With Boost.Test, Part 1 « Legalize Adulthood!

Sutter’s Mill

Threading with Boost - Part II: Threading Challenges - antonym

A Simple Makefile Tutorial

The C++ Source

C/C++ | Dr Dobb's Journal

Highscore - The Boost C++ Libraries

antonym - The C++ Resources Network

C++ reference - Cppreference

The C++ and Boost Code Shop: Getting Started with Boost

C++, imparare a programmare

Il tutorial indipendente su QT - Indice

C9 Lectures: Stephan T. Lavavej - Standard Template Library (STL), 1 of n | Going Deep | Channel 9

Using Named Pipes for Tracing - CodeProject®

Qt Creator : Adding Tool Chains

Creating a Generic Object Factory

A set of template classes for working with the registry - CodeProject® predef

Multithreading in C++0x part 1: Starting Threads | Just Software Solutions - Custom Software Development and Website Development in West Cornwall, UK

Threading with Boost - Part II: Threading Challenges - antonym

Past XML 10-Minute Solutions

Guida C++ | Guide Programmazione |

MathGL 2.0

Speeding up recompilation with ccache

debugging - How can I make gdb save the command history? - Stack Overflow

Past C/C++ 10-Minute Solutions

novità cpp11

cpp tutorialspoint

cpp11 concurrency

Simpler Multithreading in C++0x

Simpler Multithreading in C++0x

Simpler Multithreading in C++0x

Simpler Multithreading in C++0x

Simpler Multithreading in C++0x

C++ Qt 01 - Introduction to QT programming - YouTube

Qt Training: Fundamentals of Qt - Objects in Qt, part 1/3 - Qt objects, UI elements - YouTube

Qt 4.7: qmake Advanced Usage

▶ C++ Qt 01 - Introduction to QT programming - YouTube

Qt Training: Fundamentals of Qt - Objects in Qt, part 1/3 - Qt objects, UI elements - YouTube

Git User’s Manual (for version 1.5.3 or newer)


Super User - Git version control with multiple users

EatMyRandom Blog: Automate version numbering using Git - Linux Tutorials, Help, Documentation and Information

Learning the shell - Lesson 4: A Guided Tour

Linux Software

The 16 Linux Shell Commands Every Desktop Linux Us... - Input Output

40 Linux Shell Commands for Beginners | fortystones

Guida Linux | Guide Linux |

Manuale avanzato di vi

Breve manuale di Vi

Unix Tutorial

debian minimum install

Find last modified file in a folder

find ./ -type f -printf '%TY-%Tm-%Td %TT %p\n' | sort | tail -10


Installing CYGWIN + SSHD for remote access through SSH on windows

Urubu a free micro CMS for static websites based on markdown text files.

Grav a free flat file-file, mark down based CMS for website and blogs. Check its skeletons, themes and plugins to have and idea of what is possible to do whit Grav.

Bootstrap HTML, CSS and JS toolkit for web development. Here there are also several themes for Bootstrap.

W3C Markup Validation Service: validate HTML, XHTML, SMIL, MathML, etc. In particular there are several tools

HTPasswd Generator Create password credentials for htaccess and htpasswd files

Secure Remote Password protocol

login password website technique

How They Hack Your Website: Overview of Common Techniques

Effective Techniques for Password Retrieval in Modern Web Applications - Stack Overflow

Top ten password cracking techniques

What's the most secure technique for authenticating user in a website? - Information Security Stack Exchange

Come Proteggere una Pagina Web con una Password

Proteggere il sito con il protocollo HTTPS

Protezione pagina web con password

Attacca... e difendi il tuo sito web Dalziel Henry, Tecniche Nuove

L'arte dell'hacking vol.1 Erickson Jon, Apogeo

L'arte dell'hacking vol.2 Erickson Jon, Apogeo

How To Create a Login Form

Tryit Editor v3.4

Tryit Editor v3.4

Mach Downloads & Updates - Newfangled Solutions

Fusion 360 Free Software for Students, Educators - Autodesk

PLC Forum: Home page

traceparts/content.aspx?ClsID=/F_FACOM/FACOM.050/&tp=1&st=0&Lang=it&Class=FACOM&fwsid=GLOBALV3&ttl=Wrenches) - cad draw

15-Inventor Beginner Tutorial: Extrude Cut / types - YouTube free-cad

Open CASCADE Technology, 3D modeling & numerical simulation

BRL-CAD | Open Source Solid Modeling

RibbonSoft - Downloads / Trial


FelixCAD LT - Download for free

15-Inventor Beginner Tutorial:Extrude Cut / types - YouTube

Fusion 360 | Free Software for Students, Educators | Autodesk

Downloads & Updates - Newfangled Solutions

FreeCAD Documentation - Video tutorials

freecad_tut - YouTube

openPLM demo: FreeCAD interface - YouTube

John Durston - YouTube

MarthamEngineering - YouTube

bram de vries - YouTube

bejant000 - YouTube

FreeCAD tutorial: November 2011

PartDesign Bearingholder Tutorial I - FreeCAD Documentation

PartDesign Bearingholder Tutorial II - FreeCAD Documentation

Category: Tutorials - FreeCAD Documentation

CFD Online - Links - Software: Links to CFD software related sites.

OpenFOAM® - Official home of The Open Source Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) Toolbox

OpenFVM project

DUNE Numerics

SALOME Platform

Guida XML base per principianti

XML - Wikibooks, manuali e libri di testo liberi


After you obtain an S/MIME certificate, no buttons are available to sign or encrypt email messages in Outlook 2007 and in Outlook 2010

HTML Reference

Documentation - Twig - The flexible, fast, and secure PHP template engine

HTML Tutorial

Twig Templating Engine in BranchCMS | Branch CMS Documentation


Purecss snippets, code examples and editor

HTML Color Picker

CSS Tutorial

HTML Unicode UTF-8

List of named colors — Matplotlib 3.4.1 documentation

Font Awesome

Freesound - sound search

Online Calculators & Tools -

Implementazioni di algoritmi - Wikibooks, manuali e libri di testo liberi

Software libero - WikiArchipedia Free Programmers' Resources, Free Webmasters' Resources, Free Security Resources

User_HOWTOS – Oracle VM VirtualBox

Misurainternet - Il software Ne.Me.Sys.

Philip Guo - Setting up Unison for your mom